Plot Summary:
In a parallel world exists a land called Beyondard, a more primitive land where humans and Net Navis coexist in the same field. In this land, two giant cyber beasts (known as Gregar and Falzar) are at war, and followers known as Zoanoroids do their biddings. A child-like Net Navi named Trill is the key to ending this war, but due to a rift in time and space, he has appeared in Japan, and the Zoanoroids begin appearing in pursuit. When Netto and his friends discover Trill, they vow to protect him at all costs, even if it means being stranded in Beyondard themselves.
Trill, a mysterious navi said to have originated from the world of Beyondard, is discovered. And new beast-type enemies, the Zoanoroids, want him for his special power. Netto Hikari and Rockman must protect their new friend while they try to figure out what Trill is really and his connection to the two legendary cyber beasts, Grega and Faltzer.
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I'll be getting around to doing the other seasons too.
Loving Megaman.EXE (Or Rockman.EXE depending on country) but why you start from Beast and not from the first series?